
To comply with the disclosure guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on thefashionableworld.com: some third-party links may be affiliate links from which we may receive a small commission.

Purchases are made on external affiliate company websites: When a reader clicks on an affiliate link on thefashionableworld.com to purchase an item, they purchase the item directly from the seller (not thefashionableworld.com). When thefashionableworld.com promotes their website or products through their affiliate program, affiliate networks pay thefashionableworld.com a commission or other compensation.

You will not pay more for your purchase if you click through a non-affiliate link or an affiliate link.

  • The affiliate link

The Affiliate Programs provide sites with a way to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to affiliate properties. Exploreitwithme.com participates in the Affiliate Programs. Each purchase made through affiliate links supports our cause at no additional cost. Affiliate networks offer small commissions on products sold through affiliate links.

If a blogger posts a link to an affiliated product (with a unique code for affiliates built into it), and the reader adds something in their “shopping cart” via that same link within 24 hours of clicking, the blogger will get a small percentage of the sale. This is not a “pay per click” arrangement though; if you click on the product link, then hang around any network and buy something else, we will still receive a commission on that purchase. Any time you spot a URL like www.affiliatenetwork.com, that’s usually an affiliate link.

  • Links to other affiliate programs

Using affiliate links, the blogger receives a percentage of a sale or other compensation if you click on the link and buy the product. Again, prices do not change if you use these affiliate links. You will not pay more if you click through to the link. These links aren’t “pay per click” links.

Is sponsored content an option?

It is not our intention to write sponsored posts. Our goal is to bring you real, unbiased information. However, if a post is sponsored by a company, we will disclose this at the beginning.

Where we use affiliate links to recommend products, we will include a link to this post, or put “(affiliate link)”, or #ad.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! We appreciate your support! – Team thefashionableworld.com